Resources to stay updated & knowledgable on Community Safety in Burlington.

1. Mayor's Updates & Press Releases: This is where to find memos, press releases, and other updates from Mayor Emma's office.

2. Updates from the Burlington Progressive Caucus: These are collective monthly reviews of the council's work from myself and others members of Council's Progressive Caucus.

3. Subscribe to the Mayor's Email List: These are emails from Mayor Emma's office with updates on the work of the city.

4. Burlington's Safety and Security Guide: This is a print out with who to call for what problem you may be encountering.

5. The Mayor's Public Forums on Community Safety: The Mayor holds a forum every two months. There have been 3 so far and each has focused on a different aspect of community safety. It's educational and an opportunity to provide direct feedback to the Mayor, which informs the city's approach moving forward. You can find the recordings of each online. The next forum is March 13th, 2025 at the Library.

6. Civic Clerk: this is where all the meeting info for city meetings live. Regular City Council Meetings occur on Mondays a few times a month. I currently serve on three committees:
-> Public Safety Committee meetings where we monitor relevant data regularly and often deep dive into one aspect of community safety that is particularly relevant or we have received questions from residents about.
-> Parks, Art and Culture Committee meetings (PACC): where we discuss policy related to our public parks, recreational programming for residents, and more.
-> Community Development and Neighborhood Revitalization Committee meetings (CDNR): I chair this committee and we have discussed policy related to housing, tenant protections, strengthening our neighborhood planning assemblies, and increasing the fees on vacant buildings.


Let's put Working Families First, in spite of Trump.